Registation Date(s) | First Day of Class | Ending Date(s) of Class | Scheduled Vacation Period | Holidays to be observed |
Open Ended | Monday of each week | Upon completion of the hours | None | Easter |
Memorial Day | ||||
Independence Day | ||||
Labor Day | ||||
Thanksgiving plus the following Friday | ||||
Christmas Week through New Year's Day | ||||
Good Friday | ||||
Martin Luther King Day- optional | ||||
Texas Independence Day- optional | ||||
Southern Heroes- optional |
Students may enter day classes on any Monday (work day). Day classes begin at 2:30 PM and are dismissed at 9:00 P.M. Classes are usually 6 hours a day, 5 days a week (Monday- Friday) for full time students. Students are given a 30 minute lunch break along with a 15minute break in the afternoon and one in the evening.
Students may enter night classes on any Monday (work day). Evening classes are normally held from 6:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M., but alternate class sessions may be scheduled upon approval from the Director. Evening classes are 5 nights a week (Monday - Friday) for part time students with one 1 0minute break.
409-727-1460 (School Phone) (School Email)
Interested applicants should visit during these hours.
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